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We leave you some tips to exercise during the cold and take care of your health day by day no matter the conditions.

Rutina de ejercicios en invierno

Hacer deporte es beneficioso, no sólo porque te mantiene saludable, sino también porque ayuda a mejorar tu ánimo. Pero para ver efectos reales en tu organismo, esta práctica debe ser constante y durante todo el año, incluso los meses fríos.

Como ya sabes, la Organización Mundial de la Salud, OMS, recomienda hacer ejercicio al menos 30 minutos 5 veces a la semana. Desde una simple caminata, hasta realizar actividades como baile entretenido, todo sirve para estar saludable mientras sea constante y te comprometas con ello.

Tips para ejercitarte en invierno

Now that temperatures have started to drop, you can continue exercising. But always taking care that the outside temperature is not below -5°C, as recommended by experts. In that case, it is best to do physical activity indoors.

In addition to checking the outside temperature, you can preheat at home to reduce the feeling of cold when you go outside.

Remember that before exercising, especially if you are just starting out, you should consult your doctor to find out what is the best routine for you and what exercises you should avoid.

Doing physical activity will make you feel refreshed, energized and will help improve your health. Don’t let winter stop you, so you can be in shape all year round.


  • Lo más cómodo es vestirse por capas, que te puedas ir sacando a medida que entres en calor o comiences a sudar.
  • Usa ropa especial para el invierno, que ayuda a eliminar el sudor, y evita las prendas de algodón.
  • Protege las zonas de tu cuerpo que quedan expuestas, como la cabeza y las manos, con gorros y guantes.
  • Prefer shoes that adapt to different terrains, especially if you are going to run. And make sure they are waterproof.
  • The accumulation of sweat increases the feeling of cold, so it is important to wear clothing that prevents this situation to avoid chills or colds.
  • You can choose to reduce training times, to expose yourself less time to the cold without stopping exercising.
  • Choose, if possible, less cold times to train. It can be at noon or before the sun goes down in the afternoon.
  • Avoid routes where there is a lot of wind, as it increases the sensation of cold. Protect your nose in case you choose to train anyway.
  • At the end of your routine, take off your sweaty clothes as soon as possible to prevent colds.
  • Stay hydrated before, during and after exercise.